Click HERE for FULL list of works, including a record of all known performances to date.




Concierto para Flauta Nr. 1 - “Relato Chimú” (2019)  for flute and string orchestra | 15’

Concierto para Flauta Nr. 1 - “Antiguos Guerreros”
for flute and chamber orchestra | 15’

Due Canti (2016)  for orchestra | 8’

Due Canti
for symphony orchestra | 8’

El Imperio de la Luz - The Empire of Light (2021) A Community Opera in One Act

El Imperio de la Luz - The Empire of Light
A Community Opera in One Act

Lambras (2020 / 2012) for soprano and chamber orchestra | 8’

for soprano and chamber orchestra | 8’

Río (2020 / 2012) version for orchestra | 7’

for symphony orchestra | 7’

Surquillo (2013)  version for string orchestra | 3’

for string orchestra | 3’



Amaru (2020) for reed quintet | 9’ Commissioned by the Kalliope Reed Quintet

for reed quintet | 10’
Commissioned by the Kalliope Reed Quintet

Alcatraz (2020) for guitar ensemble | 4’ Commissioned by the Sicarú Ensemble

for guitar ensemble | 4’
Commissioned by the Sicarú Ensemble

Cuartetos Criollos (2018) for clarinet quartet | 6’

Cuartetos Criollos
for clarinet quartet | 6’


Dues Nimfes
for clarinet, viola and piano | 8’

Duo para Flautas (2009) for two flutes | 5’

Duo para Flautas
for two flutes | 5’

Encuentros (2021) for oboe and bassoon  | 3’ - 9’ Commissioned by the International Double Reed Society

for oboe and bassoon | 3’ - 9’
Commissioned by the International Double Reed Society

Escamas (2018) for three flutes | 7’

for three flutes | 7’

Fagot Pukllay (2019) for bassoon and piano | 10’

Fagot Pukllay
for bassoon and piano | 10’

Fantasía Oriunda (2017) for flute quartet | 7’ also available for: flute ensemble (5 parts), recorder ensemble (5 parts)

Fantasía Oriunda
for flute quartet or flute choir | 7’

Kimsa Harawicha (2016) for soprano and alto flute | 7’

Kimsa Harawicha
for soprano and alto flute | 7’

Kipu (2015)  for flute, harp, saxophone quartet, string quintet | 8’

for chamber ensemble (fl, hrp, sax 4tet, string 5tet) | 8’

Kodhi ma odagi ti (2020) for tenor and piano | 9’

Kodhi ma odagi ti
for tenor and piano | 9’

Lambras (2012) for soprano and piano | 8’ also available for soprano and orchestra

for soprano and piano | 8’
also available for soprano and orchestra

Luna (2016) for violin, saxophone and piano | 8’

for violin, saxophone and piano | 8’

Momentos Peruanos (2021) for reed quintet | 8’ Commissioned by the Kalliope Reed Quintet

Momentos Peruanos
for reed quintet | 8’
Commissioned by the Kalliope Reed Quintet


Música para un antiguo gobernante
for three flutes | 9’
Commissioned by the Pan-American Trio

Preludio Inocente
for flute and harp | 4’

for wind quintet | 8’

Suite (2014) for three alto saxophones | 8’

for three alto saxophones | 8’

Surquillo (2013) | 3’ (available for: violin + piano, flute + piano, flute + guitar, trumpet + piano, flute quartet, brass octet, string orchestra, vibraphone + marimba, clarinet + marimba)

Surquillo | 3’
(available in several different combinations)

Waqay Ñawi (2016) for percussion, cello, harp and soprano | 20’

Waqay Ñawi
for percussion, cello, harp and soprano | 20’



Estudios Criollos (2017) for clarinet | 10’

Estudios Criollos
for clarinet | 10’

La Peña y La Luna (2020) for oboe | 7’

La Peña y La Luna
for oboe | 7’

Las Antaras de Celso (2018) for contrabass | 5’

Las Antaras de Celso
for contrabass | 5’

Paisaje Andino (2019) for marimba | 6’

Paisaje Andino
for marimba | 6’

Prisma (2011) for flute | 7’

for flute | 7’

for alto flute | 5’

Río (2012) version for piano | 7’

for piano | 7’

Tiento para un pensador (2020) for guitar | 5’

Tiento para un pensador
for guitar | 5’

Tuhuayo (2012) for flute | 4’

for flute | 4’


Interested in commissioning a new musical work? Share your thoughts and find out more by
contacting me.